ARHS Principal resigns
The Massachusetts Daily Collegian
January 29, 2002
Amherst Regional High School Principal Stephen Myers offered his resignation last week following allegations of sexual harassment by a freshman male student.
The incident was brought up at an Amherst-Pelham School Committee meeting in conjunction with a letter that Myers wrote to the boy’s mother, denying claims that he had asked the boy to expose his nipple and invited him over to his home to use his hot tub.
Myers denied that the incidents were sexual in nature in a statement released by his attorney. Myers explained that some of the allegations came about because of a parental approved car ride to the store to get art supplies with the boy. The alleged incident took place in November.
“He said that other students made fun of his breasts, which he said were too big. I said words to the effect, ‘So what are they talking about? Do you want to show me?'” Myers said. “He raised his shirt for a moment. I glanced across at him and said, ‘You don’t have anything to worry about.'”
In the letter, Myers also explained that the mention of the hot tub only came about in a conversation with both the boy and his mother and that he did not invite either one to his home.
“I mentioned that I had a hot tub. I did not invite the student to visit my home,” Myers said. “I did, however, say that I take my son to the movies sometimes and that he (the student) would be welcome to come along if he wanted.”
Following the resignation, the Amherst Regional High School faculty and staff issued a letter condemning the actions of both the school board and the superintendent. The signers of the letter explained that Myers had been discriminated against and that he should not have to step down until there is a full investigation.
“We are saddened and shocked by the events of the past few days, in which our principal’s career and life have been damaged and a student’s esteem has been further compromised through the power of rumors and the media,” the letter said. “We live in a country where people are to be considered innocent until proven guilty, and where we are asked to reserve judgment until all of the facts have come out.”
The document, signed by 88 members of both the faculty and staff at the high school went on to say that Myers deserved his job back.
“As members of the Amherst High School staff, we ask that the community reserve judgment until the investigation has been completed,” the letter stated. “If charges are substantiated, the legal system will take appropriate action. If charges are unsubstantiated, our principal deserves his career back and we deserve our principal back.”
There was also a letter signed by nearly 575 students, approximately 40 percent of the student body, offering their support for Myers.
“For us, the news of your planned resignation has come with great disappointment. Although we realize that at this point there is little else you can do, we wish you did not feel the need to resign,” the letter stated. “The least we can offer for your zealous efforts as a leader is our signed support of your privacy and civil rights, both which have fallen victim to rumor and gossip in recent days.”
The letter also went on to wish Myers the best of luck in the future.
“The treatment you have received throughout this ordeal has been both disgusting and unfair, and though some community members have been eager to condemn you, we assure you that we still stand behind you as both an educator and a person,” the letter stated. “We wish you the best in the future, and hope that your bold spirit serves you well wherever you may end up.”
The incident is still being investigated by the Amherst Police Department and the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office.
Information from the Daily Hampshire Gazette was used in this story.